Ali Smith, 35
Photographer, graphic designer, author, and musicianWhat I Want This Year:
1. Leica M-7 camera
In a world where you’re probably going in a digital direction, it’s an indulgence ($2,795; adorama.com).
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2. Sixties mod dresses
A-line skirts and hip-huggers. I want the wardrobe that Julie Christie, Ursula Andress, and Anna Karina wore in the sixties (Féraud, $675, Courrèges, $1,000; Cherry; 212-924-1410).
3. Woody Allen and John Cassavetes DVDs
Their films are complex, which I appreciate (Féraud, $675, Courrèges, $1,000; Cherry; 212-924-1410).
4. Malpeque oysters
A lifetime supply, if possible (Plateau Fruits de Mer at Blue Ribbon, $62).
5. iPod mini in pink
For my fiancé’s teenage daughter. It would need to have every Neptunes and N.E.R.D. song, because she loves Pharrell ($249; apple.com).
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6. Jill Platner jewelry
She does strong jewelry, and I like heavy blobs of organic shapes (jillplatner.com).
7. iMac G5
I’ve just started to record in Pro Tools; now I have the luxury to sit alone and figure out what I have to offer musically (from $1,299; apple.com).
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Hiro Nishida, 31
President of Food Scope America, which owns MeguWhat I Want This Year:
1. Alain Mikli frames
My red Alain Mikli glasses are my signature. I’d like a new, brighter pair (from $400; mikli.fr).
2. Domenico Vacca custom suit
I shop here all the time. His suits are the best of the best ($3,900 at Domenico Vacca; shown, pants, $580; 212-759-6333).
3. Hermès ties
I’d like some more ties in simple, beautiful, solid colors—not bling-bling ($130; hermes.com).
4. Callaway golf clubs and bag
I like to golf, and it’s very good for business; I’d like a new set of Callaways (cart bag, $240, clubs starting at $500; callawaygolf.com).
5. Moto Razr V3
I heard that Motorola is coming out with a new, very thin phone. I spend $800 a month on my cell phone! ($499; cingularwireless.com)
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6. Philippe Starck Louis Ghost armchair
I’d like a house in Thailand. I’d decorate it only with Philippe Starck furniture ($308; momastore.org).
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7. G&S black boxing gloves
If I didn’t box, I’d be like a giant Japanese sumo wrestler. I’d like new black boxing gloves ($60; gandsboxinggear.com).