Eight Spaces You Can Still Rent
From Europhiles and their refined palates to hipsters with corporate-Christmas conspiracy theories, eight venues for you holiday party.

Pop Chart
Who makes the best champagne? A blind-test of six brands in three separate “flights.”
Exit Etiquette
Strategies on how to respectfully exit a conversation.
Foolproof Secret Santa
No one wants to be the secret Santa who brings the hot-potato gift that guests keep swapping.
A Night to Remember
To distinguish your party from all the others, consider splurging on over-the-top gear.
How to Prep for a Party in Ten Minutes or Less
Five last-minute steps.
Scared Sick Day
You got sloshed at the office-party open bar, told the boss how much you “really, really love” her—and spent the night with your cubiclemate. How to handle the Monday-morning rumor mill?
Hangover Cures
Frank Kelly Rich, editor of Modern Drunkard magazine, and Marc Siegel, an associate professor of medicine at NYU, on surviving the cocktail blitz.
A Christmas Mix That Isn’t Cheesy
We’ve compiled an album’s worth of Christmas songs that are free of sanctimony.
Freshly Minted
Breath smell like a brewery? Arm yourself with the strongest mints on the market