Do you arrive at the Union Square Greenmarket before the farmers? Have you ever pickled a ramp? Have you recently converted your closet into a root-vegetable cellar? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a member of the burgeoning green-foodie community, a.k.a. a “groodie.” Take this quiz to find out.
1. What is The Omnivore’s Dilemma?
a. The name of Tim and Nina Zagat’s yacht.
b. The title of Michael Pollan’s most recent book.
c. Al Gore documentary about his struggle to find a pair of good-looking dress pants with an elasticized waistband.
2. The NYC Greenmarket was founded by …
a. Danny Meyer and Donald Trump.
b. Barry Benepe and Robert Lewis.
c. Lorne Greene and Barney Greengrass.
3. The symbol of the Slow Food movement is…
a. The snail.
b. The snapping turtle.
c. The crockpot.
4. Steve “Wildman” Brill…
a. Leads foraging tours of Central Park.
b. Founded Brill’s Organic Content and Heritage Pork TV.
c. Holds the world record for eating tree bark.
5. A locavore is someone who…
a. Eats only H&H bagels and Katz’s pastrami.
b. Eats food grown within a 100-mile radius of his home.
c. Orders delivery three or more times per week.
6. Biodynamic wine…
a. Must accompany biodynamic cheese.
b. Was invented in a lab at MIT.
c. Is produced by grape growers who integrate organic agriculture and the role of farm animals with the rhythm of the cosmos and the cycles of the Earth, moon, and stars.
7. You know it’s spring at the Union Square Greenmarket when…
a. The first pumpkin arrives.
b. Tangelos are running low.
c. You get hip-checked by a four-foot-eleven octogenarian on line to buy rhubarb.
8. Which of the following is not an heirloom-tomato variety?
a. Painted Ukrainian.
b. Speckled Siberian.
c. Tarted-Up Albanian.
6–8: Break out the Concord-grape juice—you’re a groodie.
3–5: You’re on your way to groodiedom; consider volunteering at the Greenmarket’s compost heap this summer.
0–2: You have a ways to go; repent by giving up Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s for a month.
Answers: 1. b, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b, 6. c, 7. c, 8. c