You so look the part!
I’ve been shopping at Kate Spade since high school. I gravitate towards polka dots, stripes, plaids; red, yellow, and navy. I like to look different, so I shop at vintage stores like Star Struck on Greenwich and at children’s clothing stores.
You fit into kids’ clothes?
A girl’s size large, yes. The styles are a little more fun.
What’s the Kate Spade aesthetic?
Playful chic. Optimistic.
No. Irreverent.
Kate tries to maintain an element of surprise. Even hearing her funny little laugh is kind of striking. The annual holiday party is great; everyone’s kind of the same, really.
You all seem to have a uniformly delicious quality.
We dress within the guidelines of girlie. I’ve read all Kate’s etiquette books, but my grandmother was the one who really instilled a sense of style and manners in me. And I’ve always picked out my outfit the night before.
How often do you write thank-you notes?
Every week; sometimes I go a little overboard. One time, I sent one to the receptionists at my dentist’s office.
Has your grandmother visited?
Not yet. But she’d like what I’ve done with my space: canary-yellow walls, John Derian ashtrays, David Hicks rugs. I have a little plot of soil right by my steps where I’m going to plant pansies: just something cute, with a little pop of color.