You sell handcrafted Swedish mattresses that cost up to $49,500, all in dorky gingham fabric.
Men love it; women hate it. It’s been the same since 1852. They’re all hypoallergenic, handmade from purified horsehair from Argentina, cotton, and wool. They’re made to last you 30 years. Mine is being shipped over now. I got the Excelsior, which is $12,000. Actually, I got a little better deal.
How do you feel about those memory-foam mattresses?
They’ll ruin your sex life. And the foam has a chemical smell. It’s much healthier to sleep on an all-natural bed. There’s a new green hotel going up on the Bowery in a year, and they may use our beds.
How particular are you about ancillary items?
Not very. I own thin, 350-thread-count sheets from Bed Bath & Beyond. My pillows are from here.
How many mattresses do you sell a month?
Last month, we sold over 30. That’s a good month.
How should one go mattress shopping?
Come down, take a nap, bring your kid, your dog, your sheets. Spoon. Do what you’ve got to do.
What’s your most memorable experience at work?
It’s a fun job. I’ve dated women I’ve sold beds to. Weeks ago, a really attractive woman tried a bed out. She asked me to get on, and she said to me, “You’d look really good in my bed.”