How is this store different from the scores of jewelry boutiques in Soho?
We carry pieces in pink, fuchsia, and turquoise. You can’t be afraid of that energy. If you want to wear neon orange, you should wear it.
Alexis is known for spikes.
It’s mainstream now, but spikes, studs, and balls have been in Alexis’s recipe book for years. The inspiration behind his punk-rock chic is drawn from his life; he grew up in the eighties.
Patricia Field costumed Kim Cattrall with your Lucite hoop earrings. Did that generate buzz?
Of course. People still come in and say, “We want Samantha’s earrings.” They’re $95.
What would you suggest as a nontraditional engagement ring?
We have fantastic skull rings in carved mother-of-pearl and carved onyx [$295]. It’s a profile of a skull that looks like a hologram. It’s a piece with a lot of personality.
Has working here changed your aesthetic?
I try to always wear big pieces now. I tell customers, “Don’t be afraid of size.” If you’re going to wear it, really wear it, or don’t at all.
Any shopping advice?
Try on earrings to test the weight. Walk around and see how they wear. Heavy earrings can lead to ripping the holes in your ears. Also, men don’t listen to their girlfriends. A man can come in with direct, written instructions, and he’ll still pick the complete opposite. I have to remind him that she doesn’t want that.