Catch of the Day
The Housatonic River, near Cornwall, in northwestern Connecticut, is about a two-hour drive from midtown. Right now, thanks to ideal rain and temperature conditions, the roughly six-mile stretch from the Push ’Em Up Hole to Housatonic Meadows State Park is Norman Rockwell gorgeous and Norman McLean fishy, lined with oak and maple trees and full of fat brown trout and pretty rainbow trout. Prince Nymphs (sizes 10 to 12), Isonychia dries (same size), and Olives (size 18 to 26) have all been drawing strikes lately. One local regular hooked a 25-inch brown, the biggest he’s seen on the river (“It looked like salmon when it jumped,” he told a friend), last week. Alas, the monster spit the hook. Which means he’s still there, waiting for you (Housatonic River Outfitters offers guided wading trips from $150 and float trips from $350 for all skill levels; 860-672-1010). To outfit yourself for the trip, see the next page.

For the River or Riverside Drive
Simms’s waterproof duffels are rugged enough for the back of the truck, but come in city-suitable orange and gray ($129.95 at Urban Angler, 206 Fifth Ave., nr. 25th St. third fl.; 212-689-6400).

Sunglasses You Can Justify
Robert Marc’s aviators have handmade frames and customized polarized lenses, which cut the water’s glare ($450 at Robert Marc, 782 Madison Ave., nr. 66th St.; 212-737-6000).

When Verification Is Required
Since you’re fishing catch-and-release, you’ll need some way to prove you hooked one (Snap Sight waterproof reusable camera, $19.95 at the Scuba Network, 655 Sixth Ave., nr. 20th St.; 212-243-2988).

When the Hunter Becomes the Hunted
Herbal Armor is a natural, deet-free bug-repellent lotion with SPF 15. The only drawback: It needs to be reapplied every three hours ($8.95 at Whole Body, 260 Seventh Ave., at 25th St.; 212-924-9972).

Warming Up After an Outing
Caol Ila eighteen-year-old Scotch is peaty enough for Islay lovers but suitably mellow for novices ($80; Park Avenue Liquor Shop, 292 Madison Ave., nr. 41st St.; 212-685-2442).

Hook, Line, and Sinker
Albright’s five-piece kit includes rod, reel, line, and backing, and it fits in a case ($350 at Capitol Fishing).

Take a Walk on the Riverbed
Simms waders have articulated knees, neoprene feet and a lifetime warranty ($425 at Urban Angler).

A Tackle Box to Wear
Orvis’s Convertible Pocket Tech Vest keeps you organized with its waterproof pockets and built-in trays to hold flies ($159 at Orvis, 522 Fifth Ave., nr. 44th St.; 212-827-0698).

How to Debarb Your Hook
This Leatherman “Wave” titanium fishing multi-tool has pliers to pull out fishhooks, screwdrivers to work on reels, and a small tape measure to size up your catch ($129.95 at Capitol Fishing, 132 W. 36th St., nr. Seventh Ave.; 212-929-6132).
Winter Travel