June is one of the busiest moving months of the year in New York. It’s one of the most unpleasant experiences of adult life, along with taxes and dental work, particularly if you have gonzo movers who show up late, gouge you on bubble wrap and boxes, then refuse any method of payment but cash. Paul Kennedy’s NYcityVAN moving service eases the agony. No job is too small, and his sympathetic, friendly staff, described on the quirky Website as “courteous, odor-free gentlemen,” are mostly writers, musicians, and artists. Which means they’ll appreciate your taste and get it safely to its next home (a two-bedroom intra-city move runs about $800 to $1,200; 917-664-9173). For more on minimizing the disruption, click ahead.

Prevent Hand Cramps
For multiple change-of-address purposes, get a custom stamp ($20 at StampWorx 2000, 36 E. 29th St., nr. Madison Ave., second fl.; 212-679-5370).

For First Impressions
These stainless-steel Richard Naeutra–inspired numbers have hidden hardware so they appear to float ($75 each at Design Within Reach, 124 Hudson St., nr. N. Moore St.; 212-219-2217).

For Peaceful Dreams in the New House
This wallpaper tree will make your child think she’s sleeping under the stars ($295 at Romp, 145 Fifth Ave., nr. Douglass St., Park Slope, Brooklyn; 718-230-4373).

This Binder Is Your Best Friend
With checklists for every stage of the move, plus labels and change-of-address forms, it will help you keep your sanity (Moving kit, $24.99 at the Container Store, 629 Sixth Ave., nr. 19th St.; 212-366-4200).

Better Than Blank Walls
Decoradar Murals + Spaces’ murals and screens are often less expensive than a plain paint job, and a lot more interesting (starts at $600; 41 Division St., nr. Bowery; 917-981-8804).

And It’s Decorative
Give your dog a new home, too (Berry Bush Bed, from $155 at Trixie + Peanut, 23 E. 20th St., nr. Broadway; 212-358-0881).

No Project Too Small
Get two of these multipurpose task tacklers so you’ll always have one in sight (Muji Multi Tool With Hammer, $18 at the MoMA Design Store, 81 Spring St., at Crosby St.; 646-613-1367).

Moving Gifts
Get the New Place Really Clean
Burn sage smudge-sticks in each room to chase out old spirits ($2.50 each at Aphrodisia, 264 Bleecker St., nr. Morton St.; 212-989-6440).

New Keys, New Key Ring
This one is simple, pretty, and lightweight (gold- or silver-plated metal wing, $8 at Matter, 227 Fifth Ave., nr. President St., Park Slope, Brooklyn; 718-230-1150).

More Parties, Please
A new tray ($42) and coasters ($28.50 for six) give the hint you’d like to be invited over more; a portion of sales benefits animal rescues (Sweet Charity, 411 Seventh Ave., nr. 13th St., Park Slope, Brooklyn; 718-965-9200).

No More Liquor-Store Scrounging
Proboxes will bring packing materials to your door; free delivery for orders over $100 (boxes, $1.80 to $21; 241 E. 86th St., nr. Third Ave.; 888-840-6683).

Call for Backup
If you need help and your super is MIA, SpeedyFixit will paint, plaster, and do faux finishes or furniture assembly ($75 an hour for painting and repairs; 917-406-4212).