Along with last week’s record-breaking heat and humidity came that other unavoidable scourge of summer: bugs. (You could almost hear the city collectively swatting itself.) Fend off the intruders—including mosquitoes, gnats, black flies, and ants—with a deet-free insect spray that actually works. Herbal Armor uses ingredients like cedar, peppermint, and citronella in lieu of foul-smelling chemicals ($8.99 for four ounces at Eastern Mountain Sports, 591 Broadway, nr. Houston St.; 212-966-8730). And because it’s sweat- and water-resistant, you won’t have to carry it around all day for frequent re-ups. For more bug-inspired products, click ahead.

If you can’t beat the bugs, try decorating with them (framed beetles, $246 at Michele Varian, 35 Crosby St., nr. Broome St.; 212-343-0033).

And then you get to say, “Hey, there’s a fly in my drink!” (shot glass, $132 at Ted Muehling, 27 Howard St., at Crosby St.; 212-431-3825).

Even if a mosquito net didn’t ward off nighttime bites, it’d be worth it for the instant romance ($30 at Bed Bath & Beyond, 270 Greenwich St., at Murray St.; 212-233-8450).

In one highly unscientific test, the Alora Ambiance diffuser bested a citronella candle in keeping bugs away—and smelled better, too ($45 at Clyde’s on Madison, 926 Madison Ave., at 74th St.; 212-744-5050).

The price may sting a little, but the bee won’t (Jessica Kagan Cushman cuff, $228 at Henri Bendel, 712 Fifth Ave., at 56th St.; 212-247-1100).

Possibly even cuter than the real thing: a sandal crawling with ladybugs ($19 at Purdy Girl, 220 Thompson St., nr. Bleecker St.; 212-529-8385).

Next time you’re swatting, think of The Fly and remember: It could be worse ($17 at Kim’s Mediapolis, 2906 Broadway, at 113th St.; 212-864-5321).

Substitute lavender-infused cedar balls for mothballs to protect winter clothes in storage ($4 for 24 balls at Gracious Home, 1992 Broadway, at 68th St.; 212-231-7800).