It is pretty clear we are living in times that call for desperate measures. No mere $700 billion bailout will do, and neither will any ordinary comfort food. What we need are deep-fried lumps of macaroni and cheese like the ones served with a side of spicy ketchup at Dram Shop Bar (339 9th St., nr. Fifth Ave., Park Slope; 718-788-1444). They come seven to an order, $6, every golden nugget seemingly weighing about a quarter of a pound, as if an entire serving of mac ’n’ cheese had been compressed into each cube. For more restorative ways to deal with the downturn, click ahead.

Small, repetitive tasks keep your mind off the business page (Brooklyn Bridge puzzle, $16 at Tenement Museum Gift Shop, 108 Orchard St., at Delancey St.; 212-982-8420).

Guess what snack goes here (popcorn bowl, $20 at Mxyplyzyk, 125 Greenwich Ave., nr. 13th St.; 212-989-4300).

Recession or not, cashmere blankets feel better than polar fleece ($385 at Elizabeth Bauer Design, 43 Greenwich Ave., nr. Charles St.; 212-255-8625).

Perfumer James Heeley’s candle is scented like a soothing bouquet ($45 at L’Olivier, 213 W. 14th St., nr. Seventh Ave.; 212-255-2828).

Thick yarn means that a sense of accomplishment comes much faster (Twinkle yarn, $20 at Knitty City, 208 W. 79th St., nr. Amsterdam Ave.; 212-787-5896).

New York–based shows remind you why you pay through the nose to live here (from $30 at Virgin Megastore, 52 E. 14th St., at Broadway; 212-598-4666).

After an up-and-down day, collapse on an oversized pillow ($170 at Calypso Home, 199 Lafayette St., nr. Broome St.; 212-925-6200).

Instead of another Ativan, try an herb-stuffed pillow ($16 at Flower Power, 406 E. 9th St., nr. First Ave.; 212-982-6664).

Memory-foam slippers mold lovingly to your overtaxed feet ($70 at Hammacher Schlemmer, 147 E. 57th St., nr. Lexington Ave.; 800-421-9002).