Man invented sledding for a reason, and it wasn’t to get you placidly from point A to point B. It was to go superfast, preferably while screaming. Where the average plastic saucer lumbers down a city-park hillside like a minibus, the Bavarian Zipfel bobsled ($40 at Hammacher Schlemmer, 147 E. 57 St., nr. Lexington Ave.; 212-421-9000) handles more like a Porsche—one your kids and you can drive. The low-to-the-ground, feet-out seating position is safer than a headfirst sled, and the lightweight molded plastic body and steering stick can withstand far more punishment than a flimsy disk (or trash lid, or greased-up cooking pan). For more winter diversions, click ahead.

Thermals that don’t look perfunctory (striped leggings, $29.50 at the Gap, 680 Fifth Ave., nr. 54th St.; 212-977-7023).

Even if you’re a lousy rider, your board can still look fierce (Nitro Team Art Attack snowboard, $420 at Homage, 151 Smith St., nr. Bergen St., Boerum Hill; 718-596-1511).

A shearling hat keeps head, neck, and ears warm while you’re out packing snowballs ($185 at Saks Fifth Avenue, 611 Fifth Ave., at 50th St.; 212-753-4000).

For the man who loves pockets, Bogner’s army-inspired ski suit has eight in the jacket, six in the pants ($2,499; 380 W. Broadway, nr. Spring St.; 212-219-2757).

Use Kiehl’s All-Sport face balm as a wind- and sun-blocker, Burt’s Bees Res-Q lip balm to battle chap (face balm, $18.50 at Kiehl’s, 109 Third Ave., nr. 13th St.; 212-677-3171; lip balm, $4 at Duane Reade, multiple locations).

Burton’s new Supreme snowboarding boots aren’t just eye-catching; they’re also incomparably warm ($350 at Burton, 106 Spring St., at Mercer St.; 212-966-8068).

Grabber foot-warmers last only five hours, but they’ll save you endless toe misery—and they’re biodegradable ($3.99 at Zitomer’s, 969 Madison Ave., at 76th St.; 212-737-5560).