Oval Office Overhaul

Illustration by Remie Geoffroi
Photo: Courtesy of Zenstation Go

Keep an eye on Wall Street, Gaza, and the House simultaneously (Zenstation Go, $4,299 at Corporate Computers, 55 W. 45th St., nr. Sixth Ave.; 212-279-1336).

Photo: Courtesy of Hammacher Schlemmer

The Fold-a-Hoop hides inside a cabinet when dignitaries drop by ($150 at Hammacher Schlemmer, 147 E. 57th St., nr. Lexington Ave.; 800-421-9002).

Photo: Courtesy of Nokia

To skirt the Secret Service cell-phone ban, an ultracompact Nokia 2605 Mirage ($50 at Verizon Wireless; multiple locations).

Photo: Hannah Whitaker for New York Magazine

Sometimes the stress just gets to you (smokeless ashtray, $14 at J&R, 23 Park Row, nr. Beekman St.; 212-238-9000).

Photo: Courtesy of Sony Ericsson

For pictures of the kids, a sleek Sony Vaio Wi-Fi photo frame ($300; 550 Madison Ave., nr. 55th St.; 212-833-8800).

Photo: Courtesy of Apple

An ecofriendly aluminum case, and not as virus-prone as a PC (MacBook Pro, $1,999 at the Apple Store, 767 Fifth Ave., at 59th St.; 212-336-1440).

Photo: Hannah Whitaker for New York Magazine

The LiveScribe Pulse pen digitizes writing and records historic conversations ($149 at Target, 139 Flatbush Ave., nr. Atlantic Ave.; 718-290-1109).

Photo: Hannah Whitaker for New York Magazine

For the much-anticipated puppy (dog bed, $125 at The Barking Zoo, 172 Ninth Ave., nr. 21st St.; 212-255-0658).

For inspiration in trying times, keep Lincoln’s writings close by ($75 to $200 at Argosy Book Store, 116 E. 59th St., nr. Park Ave.; 212-753-4455).

Oval Office Overhaul