The Best Bet

Photo: Danny Kim

Upon the human need for morning pick-me-ups, entire industries have been built. Now the same instinct that brought the world Pop Tarts, fuzzy slippers, and sunrise yoga classes has yielded these kaleidoscopic toothbrushes from Yumaki ($10 at Project No. 8, 22 W. 29th St., at Broadway; 212-725-0008). A collaboration between a Scandinavian design company and a Japanese oral-care factory, these brushes are jaunty but still staunchly functional, featuring stiff, high-quality nylon bristles (rated seven out of ten on a hardness scale) and an ergonomic handle. New hues are released every season—an easy reminder to swap out your old brush and keep your time in front of the medicine cabinet just a little more cheerful.

The Best Bet