celebrity shopping

What Rebecca Black Can’t Live Without

Photo-Illustration: The Strategist; Photo: Ella Margolin, Joe McKendry

If you’re like us, you’ve probably wondered what everyday stuff famous people add to their carts — like hair spray or an electric toothbrush. We asked singer-songwriter Rebecca Black — whose new project, SALVATION, came out on February 27 — about the creamy tea, banana candle, and budge-proof brow gel she can’t live without.

I first tried these on my way to a photo shoot and needed something on the go. They’re mainly made out of peanut butter, dark chocolate, honey, and natural flavors, so there’s no weird aftertaste. It’s the ultimate dessert hack in the morning for me. I’m a ritualistic person; I gain a lot of safety and stability from doing the same thing every day. I will literally count the number of days I’ll be gone on a trip, so I know how many of these to bring with me. At this point, my body is like out of whack if I don’t do this. People know that I love them so much that someone I work with got me a Perfect Bar mug for Christmas last year. They are just the best.

I was put onto this by someone in the U.K., I think, about six years ago. This tea is unlike any other Earl Grey. Normally with Earl Grey, I need a little bit of almond milk in it. What I love about this is I just need a little pack of stevia, because it’s already creamy and has almost a vanilla taste to it. I don’t need milk with it, so I can pack these for the airport or hotel or a friend’s house easily. And again, I will count out the days I’ll be gone from my house and bring that amount of tea bags. I usually bring double the amount of bags, honestly, in case I want to have two cups.

This is a new essential. I just got one, and it’s the most massive blanket I’ve ever owned. I’m actually not a big fan of weighted blankets. They stress me out more, because they make me feel claustrophobic or something. But this blanket has the perfect little amount of weight so that I feel nestled in it but not trapped. And, it’s so big that it covers multiple people on my couch. Every morning I sit on my couch with this on sipping my Earl Grey and eating my Perfect Bar while I do some work on my computer. That is my perfect morning. It’s so cozy without being too warm. It washes well. It looks good, too. It doesn’t look like a baby blanket or anything.

I was in a session with writer Jesse Saint John, about a year and a half ago, and he offered me these. I loved these when I was younger and totally forgot about them until that moment, but they are as delicious as before. I am just addicted to the flavor. I don’t even like mints or gum, but I love these. I pop them before a date, before dinner, if I’m bored. Also, when I offer it to someone else, it always lights up that person’s face.

I have bad eyesight, so I wear glasses when I’m driving or traveling. I first tried these on at the Sydney airport and was so immediately in love with them that I tracked them down online. Then, obviously, I found out that they share the same name as me. It was all very serendipitous. I bring them with me anywhere and everywhere. I just love a pair of glasses that are a statement and act as an accessory. It makes me want to wear them more. Plus, they’re lightweight. I have them in the orange-ish color, and they go with everything, surprisingly.

In general, I am a huge fan of Boy Smells. I think I’ve burned at least one of every single one of its scents over the years. But oh my God, this is just the best smell in the world. I tried it on a whim. I’m not normally into sweet scents, and not even into the smell of bananas, but this candle has so much depth and complexity. It doesn’t smell just like cake or dessert. It smells like if you were to put your most gushy, syrupy, sweet bakery scent into a musky cologne. When my house smells like this candle, it smells like home. Sometimes I walk by it unlit and pick it up for a quick whiff. I think it’s a limited edition since it’s a collaboration with Magnolia Bakery, so I’ve started going to the depths of the candle internet to find it.

This used to be available only in Europe for a while until maybe a couple of years ago. I used to have my makeup artist grab it for me while she was over there and bring it back. I have very curly eyebrows, and it doesn’t matter if I laminate them or what I do, they’re so hard to tame down. I get that from my dad. This brow gel is so strong. It’s made of a similar thing as the hair gel, which is notoriously insanely strong as well. That’s what I used to use before I had this. It’s the most convenient thing. I keep one in my car, my makeup bag, my bathroom. I will not do anything or go anywhere without having my brows slicked down.

I’ve tried a lot of other body lotions that are full of alcohol and ingredients that don’t work on my already dry skin. This is the most moisturizing, long-lasting lotion I’ve ever used. Not only is it genuinely moisturizing, but it makes me and my bathroom smell like santal for the rest of the day. I put it on three hours ago and still smell it more than my own perfume. It’s just incredible.

I was never someone who was bothered by light growing up, but something happened when I turned 26 and now I can’t sleep without it being pitch black. If I forget this or the next item before a flight or even if I’m sleeping over at someone else’s house, I have a borderline panic attack. This sleep mask is the most obnoxious, giant sleep mask I’ve ever seen. I remember seeing someone wear it for the first time and roll over in bed and almost being scared. It’s like a giant pillow for your eyes. It completely blacks everything out without squeezing your head. I also really like it because I have bangs, and the mask lifts my bangs off of my face while I’m sleeping and keeps them from getting a little greasy.

This is my travel security blanket. A friend gifted it to me a few years ago, and I was like, What the hell is this? I normally wear it as a sash to the airport so it doesn’t take up room in my bag, and I always get confused looks. I’ve used it so many different ways, but my favorite is wearing it like a keyhole infinity scarf. Sometimes I’ll lean over my tray table and wrap my arms around it. I’ve brought it with my on-tour vans, too. It’s made out of some sort of unique cooling material. I don’t know what it is, but it’s very important to me. It is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever traveled with, but it works better than any other travel pillow I’ve used and keeps my neck from hurting. I have gotten multiple family members and friends on this travel pillow, and no one regrets it.

I’ve been a fan of Lana Del Rey ever since I was a 14-year-old high-schooler on Tumblr. I’ve always felt so connected to her and her music. We share a birthday, so I feel a kinship to her in this weird way but I don’t know if she knows who I am. Her entire career has been so important for me, so it’s hard to pick one album, but I especially love the albums Norman Fucking Rockwell! and Ultraviolence. I’ve always looked to her for inspiration in how she tells stories. I admire her creativity and world building and sometimes her nonchalance. She’s inspired probably most artists in my generation. I can definitely hear when something’s Lana-tinged.

This is an album from my childhood. Imogen Heap is just another one of my forever inspirations. I think she has a level of skill and talent that I don’t think anyone else will ever reach. I can always look to this album, and it’s so sentimental to me. I feel like I can put this on anywhere, anytime for anyone, and it just fits. It fits when I’m sad and depressed, or when I’m feeling inspired and optimistic. “Let Go” is one of my favorite tracks. My dad actually put me on to that song when I was really young. “Breathe In” is one of my favorites. There’s also an insane song called “Psychobabble” that’s bizarre but beautiful. I’ve probably listened to this album thousands of times, and it’s never gotten old.

The Strategist is designed to surface useful, expert recommendations for things to buy across the vast e-commerce landscape. Every product is independently selected by our team of editors, whom you can read about here. We update links when possible, but note that deals can expire and all prices are subject to change.

What Rebecca Black Can’t Live Without