Jeremy Rellosa edits the Strategist print section, including “The Look Book,” and stories on wellness and style for the site. He has been on staff since 2022 and was previously a writer at the Strategist covering fitness and outdoor gear.
Cold-Weather Gear for People Who OverheatClothing, shoes, and accessories for switching comfortably between hot and cold environments (even if your use case isn’t as extreme as mine).
massagers and recovery
The Very Best Electric Foot MassagersWe talked to athletes, podiatrists, physical therapists, and people with tired feet to find the best electric foot massagers.
men’s activewear
The Very Best Gym Shorts for MenStyles in various lengths for the resistance-band (or free-weights or yoga or rowing-machine) junkie.
celebrity shopping
What Mike Rowe Can’t Live Without“I have this album because it reminds me of a time when I hadn’t figured out the puzzle — the puzzle of life, the puzzle of my career.”
The Look Book Goes to a Piercing StudioOn a recent Saturday, those seeking a new hole in their ear (or nose or, really, any body part) headed to Nine Moons Piercing near Chinatown.
The Very Best Sunrise Alarm Clocks“In the morning, you don’t want darkness — you want lots of light so your brain actually understands it’s time to get up.”
The Look Book Goes to a Literary Launch PartyThe Whitney Review of New Writing, Whitney Mallett’s culture periodical, held a packed party at Frog Club to celebrate its fourth issue.