Look Book

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Look Book Archive

October 24, 2005
Bethany Liebman, Designer

"The prettier and more natural you are, the less makeup you need."

October 17, 2005
The Look Book Goes to the Opera

"To me, fashion is an art form, just like opera."

October 10, 2005
Ronald Whitfield, First Vice-President of the Correction Captains’ Association

"I’m from Harlem, so that’s where I get some of my style."

October 3, 2005
Jasmine Golestaneh, Musician

"Wearing something wacko can bring out different parts of your personality."

September 26, 2005
Pete Kress, Bouncer, with Seamus, his Pit Bull

"I just keeps it real."

September 19, 2005
Kirsten Yadouga, Gap Accessories Designer

"I like to be a little more girly and pretty, but a little bit off."

September 12, 2005
Monique Garofalo, Senior

"There's a dress code, but I never follow it. No one else dresses like me at school."

September 5, 2005
David Rauch, Hedge-Fund Manager

"You realize that you’re making a lot of money and spending tons of it on clothes. Guys would come over and snip your tie in half if it was ugly."

August 22, 2005
Duch Ermold, Vegan Pastry Chef

"I’m on a Dolly Parton kick. I worship Dolly. She’s my idol."

August 8, 2005
Sofia Hedstrom, Television Reporter

I think H&M is brilliant. Everyone has the opportunity to have style; it’s not about having a million dollars. Maybe it has something to do with Sweden being a socialist country, but I love this concept.