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Look Book Archive

May 2, 2005
Claudio di Blasi and Ilaria Castelli, Business Student and Fashion Showroom Assistant

Ilaria's style is pretty much like mine. That's why we are together.

April 25, 2005
Cynthia Rowley, Designer

"I like to resuscitate my old stuff, you know, put the defibrillator paddles on an old black dress."

April 18, 2005
Mark Recker, A&R Assistant

Usually when I wake up in the morning I have an idea of what I’m going to wear that day. I only rarely try on lots of different outfits.

April 11, 2005
Julia Erdman, NYU Sophomore

"I’m a culture-phile, but I definitely think that food comes first�then art, then fashion."

April 4, 2005
Dr. Rosalie Mishkin, Psychologist

People stop me on the street three to four times a week to tell me I look beautiful.

March 28, 2005
Karim Sanders, Parking Attendant, Construction Worker, and Tour Coordinator, With His Son Amir

"I'm upscale. I've got champagne tastes but bare money."

March 14, 2005
Demetrise Washington, Technology-Business Analyst

People always tell me I dress like a French girl.

March 7, 2005
Mila, Sandra, and Tara Erer, High-School Student, Store Owner, and College Student

In New York, everybody is a sample of style by themselves. You see very few clichés.

February 28, 2005
Duane Littles, Actor

I buy stuff and retool it�I’ll add buttons, paint, pieces of denim. I was doing trucker hats for a while, and then women’s handbags. Now I’m coming into a T-shirt phase.

February 21, 2005
Sara Gettelfinger, Actress

When I’m spending twelve hours a day at the theater, I aim for comfort.