December 15, 2008 Issue

Cover Story
The Year in Culture
A thorough summary of the last twelve months’ most distinguished efforts in the fields of film, theater, art, TV, architecture , books, pop, and classical. Plus: a look at the year’s worst work, a survey of the city’s cultural big shots, and a mega�Approval Matrix to catch everything that fell through the cracks.
On the Cover: Photograph by Brigitte Lacombe.
Gender Bender
More women are drinking, and the women who drink are drinking more, in some cases matching their male peers. This is the kind of equality nobody was fighting for.
The Catastrophe Capitalist
In the bleakest stock market of the past 70 years, when hedge funds and 401(k)s alike have cratered, few people are smiling. But short-seller Jim Chanos, whose fund is up 50 percent, is having the time of his life.
RFK Won’t Go to D.C., Says �Send Caroline’
He saw a Senate seat and explained why not.
Senator Nanny? Fran Wants It!
Appoint her, or she’ll run.
Brooklyn Bargains Move Indoors for Winter
Flea, fly, flow!
Mary-Kate Hits Miami!
Visits Lowe’s �meth lab.�
Ivy Leaguers in the Foxholes
ROTC back at Columbia?
No Soaring Bonuses for Legal Eagles
But no objection.
It Happened Last Week
Some New Yorkers still found reason to celebrate.
Oracles of Doom
They always knew the economy would collapse. What do they think will happen next?
Who Will Bail Out the Publishers?
How Random House is like General Motors.
Christmas Biohazard
What do conscientious parents do when even �organic� toys are revealed to be a bit toxic?
Recession Index
A numeric summary of our troubled times.
Car Talk
Stuck in traffic with a NASCAR star.
A Giant Among Coaches
Tom Coughlin is the toast of the NFL, but what is he doing that’s different from two seasons ago?
One Kitten Per Person
Kristen Schaal has some unforgettable ideas for her next holiday party.
The Look Book
We dropped in on this year’s Lebowski Fest to see what the Jesuses, nihilists, and Dudes had to say.
Getting Payback
Some phone time and a little paperwork can bring lost causes to sweet resolution.
The Underground Gourmet Review
A new Brooklyn restaurant puts an unlikely destination on the culinary map.
In Season
The strong flavor of mature ginger is most often associated with Christmastime gingerbread.
The Urban Forager
Some great new things to eat.
Caffeine Cluster
On the café-lined streets of the West Village, Starbucks is suddenly the underdog.
Restaurant Openings
Week of December 15, 2008: Kefi, Brookvin, and Bar Breton.
They Might Come If You Build It
But not till you do: Almost nobody’s buying from floor plans anymore.
Holiday Events for Kids
Holiday events for kids in New York City.
Let Them Eat Chicken Bones
The City Bakery’s newly launched �It’s a Bad Economy Beer Menu� runs from 4 to 8 p.m.
Comments: Week of December 15, 2008
Readers sound off on Dick Fuld, Quality Show Fatigue, and more.
Artifact: Scenes From a Coffee Shop
Findings from the streets, files, and hard drives of New York.
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